Provider: | Raccoom in Attic Removal Service (Edit Me) |
Average_Rating: | No Feedback. |
Details: | Brett Lieberman | Pest Control My Pest Pros 703-665-4455 ----------------------------------------------- I don’t know if this works, but, since they like the dark in the quiet, I’ve heard that if you play music, like putting a speaker up there, that they will leave of their own accord. ----------------------------------------------- We’ve been very pleased with Jacob Lehman The Master Trapper (703 973 3929) and Adcock Trapping Service - ask for John (703) 352 7750. Good luck! ------------------------------------------------ We used Jesse James Critter Gitters (540) 229-6139. I thought we had a raccoon, but it was squirrels. They got rid of them and sealed the house. We haven't had a problem since. ------------------------------------------------- This JUST happened to us. Mama Raccoon decided our attic was a comfortable maternity ward. We highly recommend Jacob Lehman at Master Trapper, Inc. 703-973-3929. He removes and relocated them. Humane. I think $500. The mama had torn a hole in the roof, which my husband fixed (we’re getting a new roof anyway). Jacob was able to get all but one baby by going into the attic. One had fallen behind a wall, so he cut a small hole in our closet to reach it. -------------------------------------------------- 2020-06-08 19:21:20 |
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