Provider: | Painting: Exterior House painting (Edit Me) |
Average_Rating: | No Feedback. |
Details: | Joe Kitchen | Residential/Commercial Painting Five Star Painting 703-667-0673 ---------------------------------------------------------- César Q. from QPS his little company does wonders! Fast response and great work! He is always there when we need a quick fix or we want a drastic renovation done! His number is 571-287-9719 tell him Patty sent ya! Good luck ---------------------------------------------------------------- I recommend Kings Painting. He painted our house this summer and did an awesome job. Give him a call. --------------------------------------------------------------- We used Orlan Laguna at Manhattan Production Painting to paint the exterior of our house last year and were very happy: They spent over half a day power washing our house and deck, and a large part of another day sanding and prepping surfaces before beginning. They used high quality paint and their pricing was great. -------------------------------------------------------------------- We have used Osman Gonzales (571-263-7166) to do exterior painting and power washing. He has also done interior drywall and painting for us. He does excellent work at a reasonable price. Give him a call....thanks ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2020-06-08 14:42:21 |
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