Provider: | Implant Dentist (Oral Surgeons): Dr. Juanli Guo, (Edit Me) |
Average_Rating: | No Feedback. |
Details: | 找 Dr. Juanli Guo, in Tyson corner. 703 992 0674. 中国女牙医,国内牙医科班出身,美国牙科任教及临床多年,专职种牙,非常专业,负责,耐心。尤其手轻仔细。我已植入二颗,无任何不良反应。在此真诚推荐。 It is cheaper than other's. charge, around $ 3000. It looks like she provides free estimates. I used to implant by another dentist and fail. Later she implanted it for me successfully. My opinion is success more important than charge. And in this market this charge is not big different and most of dentist, especial most of Chinese dentist is original not study for implant, like my first dentist that easy fail. 2014-11-13 17:38:22 |
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