Provider: | 西亚艺术中心肚皮舞学习班 (Edit Me) |
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Details: | 西亚艺术中心肚皮舞学习班指导老师赛皙,毕业于美国密西西大学,获音乐教育硕士学位。自3岁起接受专业训练,登台表演,具有多年的舞蹈表演和教学经验。赛皙老师是大华府地区唯一持有纽约专业舞蹈学院颁发的肚皮舞教学执照的华裔教师。应广大学员的要求,在维州及马州夏季班即将开课,设有初级,中级及表演班,欢迎新老学员踊跃报名参加。 面向群体: Teenager and adults who are interested in dancing 课程设置: 初级班 (Base level) , 中级和高级班 (mid and advanced) Fairfax Class Center: Crown Dance Studio, address 2820 Dorr Ave, Fairfax, VA 22031 Class schedule: 6/21/2014 to 8/23/2014 Base class: Saturday 9:30am – 10:30am Mid/advanced: Saturday 10:30am – 11:30am ▪ $90.00 for 10 sessions ▪ walk-in $10.00 per class Fairfax Station Center: Gold Gym, address 5620 Ox Rd, Fairfax Station, VA 22039 Class schedule: 6/19/2014 to 8/21/2014 Thurs 8:00pam – 9:30pm ▪ $150.00 for 10 sessions ▪ walk-in $17.00 per class Centreville: We’ll start another class at Centreville for students living in Centreville, Herndon, Sterling and Ashburn. The class location will be depended on your response. First open house will be held at Chinese picnic. You are welcome to stop by our booster during the picnic for more information. Dancing Video: If you have any questions related with classes and fees, please reach out to me by phone or email. 联系电话: 703-283-4532 571-212-2682 601-665-5716 Email: 2014-05-16 11:51:22 |
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